Walking with Jesus: Walking in His Way

Walking with Jesus: Walking in His Way

Author: Pastor H. Bill Coker
February 28, 2022

The way for us is established in Jesus. He is undeniably the only way. He has etched out a pathway for us with His own indelible footprints. Walk through the streets of Galilee, and you’ll see them there. Come to the Via Delarosa, you’ll experience them there—That was His way to the Cross; the way of sacrifice and suffering. Go to the foot of the cross, there you’ll find the imprints of His love—flowing and laying out a path for our eternal journey of life with Him. Guide your every step into the footprints that Jesus has paved for you. These footprints will guide you to an expected and anticipated end in Him; a victorious end that accentuates our confident hope. Pattern your walk after Jesus’ walk. From this day, let your experiences be informed by Jesus’ own purposeful experiences. Let your hope be restored in Him, and your faith refreshed and strengthened in your struggles. Despise the pain and the anguish; the weaknesses, failures, injustices, greed and the fragility of life, walk with Jesus. Walk in His way. Walk in His love. Reflect on AGAPE-that Jesus-kind of love that covers everything, that love that knows no end. WALK WITH JESUS! WALK IN HIS STEPS! WALK ALL THE WAY WITH HIM!


John 14:1-6 (Emphasis on verse 6); Psa. 119:33-40

Reflection Points:

(John 14:1-6): Jesus’ consolation, His preparation for all who believe, His everlasting presence, His declaration. Jesus is the WAY!


Lord, Jesus, teach me to walk in your way, for you are the only way, the truth, and the life. May the Power of your Spirit inspire hope within me and may my struggles produce steady faith in me, to trust and depend on you. Grant that I may know the vision of your walk and enlighten me to walk where you have walked, in the assurance of that hope that is anchored beyond the veil; to love others unconditionally as you have loved me and to hope expectantly. May my walk with you and in your footsteps, inspire others to walk with you all the way. Give me grace that is in proportion or even greater than each task that I face, as I commit to walk with you this day. I pray in the name of Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life. Amen.

