Walking with Jesus: Be a Servant!

Walking with Jesus: Be a Servant!

Author: Pastor H. Bill Coker
April 04, 2022

The greatest among all these is the one who comes as a servant of all. The greatest in the Kingdom of God is the one who sacrificially submits to humble service in the name of our Lord. Jesus said, “I did not come to be served, but to serve; and give My life as a ransom for many.” What a clear depiction of service. Jesus Himself is the model of a true servant. In declaration and demonstration, He shows us what service is and what it really entails—Sacrifice! To serve is to be willing to make sacrifices so that others will follow after Christ Jesus. To be a servant is not to look for fame or fortune, nor accolades or applauses, but to move with passion so as to lift up those from their lowly estate and render faithful service to them along the way to wholeness—kingdom living! Do not serve for what you can get but serve to give what you have received from the Lord. True service does not discriminate but declares Christ’s humble way. All those who will walk with Jesus along the way are expected to emulate Him in profession and practice. Jesus’ passion is what moved Him to make the ultimate sacrifice. He made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond servant, and coming in the likeness of men. He humbled Himself and became obedient to death, even death on the Cross. This is truly the heart and the ultimate expression of true service. Jesus came as a Servant, so that He could reach all circles and stations in life. He came as a Servant for all people—No one is exempt. Service means humility. To serve like Jesus is to be willing to look out, not only for one’s own interest, but to passionately seek out opportunities to attend to the interests of others. Service is humility. It is sacrifice. How are you serving along the way? Service is sacrifice. It is our humble profession at Lent!

Scripture Meditations:

Matthew 18:1-4, Matthew  20:20-28, Philippians 2:1-4 & 6-11

Passion Points:

Serve, passion, humility, sacrifice


Lord, thank you for teaching me that true service is in sacrifice and humility. As I walk this Paschal way, help me to reflect on Your example as the true Servant, who was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so that all people may become beneficiaries of eternal life. Make me to understand that the greatest in the kingdom is the one who humbles himself as a little child. Give me grace to walk as your humble servant and a reflection of you as I walk all the way with you. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

