Storms Will Come...!

Storms Will Come...!

Author: Pastor H. Bill Coker
July 04, 2022

The unbearable seasons of life are what we have so conveniently called, “The storms of life.” They always come with varying frequencies, and they challenge every aspect of our lives. When storms come, we long for peace or an immediate relief. But the peace that we need, is not so much the absence of the storm, rather it is how we position and recondition ourselves in the midst until Jesus pronounces PEACE! Indeed, He is our peace amid every storm. Jesus and His disciples experienced a storm as they made their voyage across the Sea of Galilee. The disciples were with Jesus, who is our peace and yet, they experienced a storm. This picture is a reminder to us that even though we are walking with Jesus, we are not exempted from storms. Don’t be too quick to pray the storms away, but pray the Lord, for sufficient grace to endure the storm. Sometimes, our blessings are in the storm. Seek to know God’s actions in the storms. The truth of the matter is that these unusual seasons we call storms will come even when we are the closest to Jesus. He is in every storm with us. In fact, the best place to find safety and security when storms come is close to Jesus! There is a place of quiet rest, near to the heart of God. Storms come to everyone at different times and places. Storms come to those who are walking in holy obedience to the will of God. They come when we are even in His perfect will. Don’t be taken by surprise when storms come your way. They are necessary for cultivating mature faith. Storms are an opportunity for Jesus to demonstrate how awesome and powerful He is amid these impossibilities and uncertainties. Storms come to produce in us living testimonies. Jesus Christ who is life, has entered our tests and out of these tests, we are enabled to have a living testimony. He is with us in the swelling seas and amidst the raging storms. With His authority and power, He can command the tempest to be still—Peace, be still! Beloved, do not think it strange when you face fiery trial [Storms], which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you. But rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. When storms come, realize that Jesus is present. Storms can produce a new meaning in life for us. They can inspire resilient faith to believe God for miracles. We can also find joy amid the storm, because our breakthrough is hopeful. Are you in a storm today? Invite Jesus to sail the choppy seas of life with you. He is your peace during your
storm. Listen for His command that will bring calm to your storm. PEACE! Expect and experience that peace today.

Scripture Meditations:

Mk 4:35-41, Jn 14:27, Jn. 16:33, Eph. 2:14, Phil. 4:7, 1 Pet 4:12-13, & 2 Tim. 3:12,

Reflection Points:

Storm, Trouble on every hand, Trials, Faith, Joy, Peace


Lord, I thank You that You promised never to leave me nor forsake me. Help me to realize Your presence amid my storm. You are my Peace! Come and sail along with me in these choppy waters of life, where the seas swell, and the storms are raging. Lord, You are truly amazing. Give me grace to reposition and recondition myself during my storm, until my changes come. Speak peace now, O Lord, so that out of these experiences, I may share a living testimony of Your miracle working power. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

