Immanuel! God is With Us at Advent

Immanuel! God is With Us at Advent

Author: Pastor H. Bill Coker
December 16, 2020


“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and they shall call is name Immanuel, which is translated, “God with us’” (Matthew 1:23; NKJV).

- God is the God of times and seasons, and He is always present with us.
- The Son of God became flesh and dwelt among us – He is with us at Advent.
- “The Son of God became a man to enable men to become, sons of God” – C.S. Lewis – (Ref: John1:14).
- His name is Immanuel, meaning, “GOD WITH US!”
o He was with us (PAST)
o He is with us (PRESENT)
o He will be with us (FUTURE)

God is with us to fulfill His purpose in us!

Take Action:

If God is with us to fulfill His purpose in us, let us:
1. SEEK Him in the various seasons of life. He is forever present with us.
2. SURRENDER everything to Him, especially our troublesome seasons.
3. SERVE Him faithfully amidst our season until our breakthrough.
4. SHARE our story with others about our experience with Him in our season(s).
5. STAND when it seems impossible to stand. Stand because IMMANUEL is with us, now and always.

Points of Reflection:

1. God is with us in a SUPERNATURAL way – He is with us to intervene where there are seasons of impossibilities; to show Himself as our very possible God in our seasons.
2. God is with us in a SPECIFIC way – He is with us to fulfill a specific purpose. He is with us, not to fulfill what we think, but what He thinks – What is according to His purpose!
3. God is with us so that we can experience His STORY – The STORY of His love – When God shows up, He leaves us with a story – A TESTIMONY!

God is with us to keep us closer to Himself! God is with us to remind us of His love for us! God is with us so that we can be a reflection of Him to the world! 
God is with us so that we can herald His story to the world!


Lord, You, are Immanuel, “God with us!” Help me to recognize You in every aspect of the seasons of my life. In the good as well as in the bad seasons, make Your presence so evident in these seasons and in me, until my soul finds rest in You. In Jesus name. Amen.


