He Shall Hide You!

He Shall Hide You!

Author: Pastor H. Bill Coker
May 23, 2022

There is a place of quiet rest in Jesus. When the storms of life are raging and the seas are swelling all about you, Jesus offers a hiding place. It is a place of calm and quiet repose, free from the noisy storms that wreak havoc all around you. It is a place of defense designed to protect you from every threat that betides you. At a deeper level, it is a place that’s reserved for those who seek the Lord diligently. Seek Him while He may be found. Call on Him while He is near. God’s hiding place is where He dwells. Those who seek refuge in His hiding place must desire to know Him purposefully, passionately, and personally, and in faith rise to meet Him there. Storms come in varying magnitudes. They are the bursts that threaten relationships; offset financial planning; usher in ill-health and devastate the very course of life. In all these things, Jesus promised to keep you safe in His dwelling place. He promised to hide you in the shelter of His tabernacle, and then set you high upon a rock. In this life, storms will come, but find confidence in knowing that Jesus will provide a place for your defense, a place of safety and security. He will provide a place of shelter, away from the noise, and then He will lift you above the rising tides of life. He will set you on a solid foundation. Draw closer to Him, in a covenanted relationship. Walk with Him in a committed fellowship, and rest in Him in confidence, knowing that He is faithful to His promises to perform them on your behalf. He shall hide you. This is your confidence!

Scripture Meditations:

Psa. 27, Psa. 91, Isa. 41:10-13, Matt. 11:28-30, Rom. 8:35-39

Reflection Points:

Refuge, Deliverer, Tabernacle, Hiding place, Peace, Tribulation, Solid Rock


Lord when troubles last, I will hasten to your Throne, the place of confidence. Thank you for your promises and provisions for me, especially in those seasons of my greatest storms. Help me to see past my circumstances and see you as the Only True and Living God, who is more than able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can ask or think. Help others in distress O Lord, to embrace your promises and the provisions you’ve made ready to sustain and secure them in your dwelling place. You are my confidence O Lord, in the midst of my storm. Thank you for being my hiding place. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

