A Place of Safety

A Place of Safety

Author: Pastor H. Bill Coker
April 28, 2021


“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (Prov. 18:10; NKJV).


In times like these when trials are on every hand, and the clouds of frustration, fear and uncertainty looms overhead, we seek a place of safety; a place that offers ultimate security and sustenance; a place that offers hope and a peace of mind in the midst of these arduous seasons.

A Place of SAFETY! That’s our place of confidence and assured hope. I’ll tell you with conviction that it is in the magnificent and most powerful name of the Lord, Jesus, that’s where I find that place of solace, strength, safety and assurance. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower” (Prov. 18:10). His name is indeed, “my Strong Tower!”

Jesus is described here for us as a strong tower. Literally, He is called a Tower of Strength. In other words, in His greatness, God has in Himself the capacity to function effectively with insurmountable strength that is likened to a fortress, whose walls stand tall and firm forever. God’s protection is expressed and established so much so that it is unbreakable, undefeatable and inconsumable offering guaranteed protection, safety and sufficiency to those who trust in Him. God is fully able to protect, provide, empower and sustain His children throughout all seasons. Furthermore, it is from Him that we derive ultimate security and assurance. He is the fountain head from which our sufficiency and satisfaction through the agency of the Holy Spirit is supplied. Listen! The songwriter enlightens the theme saying, that God is our Mighty Fortress, a bulwark that never fails. In essence, God stands for us as a place of safety and He will protect us and attend to our every need first in accordance with that promised spiritual privilege then with tremendous power to unleash these benefits to all who believe on Him and walk in accordance to His Word. Jesus promised to supply all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:19).

This promise is to those who believe on Him. He says that the righteous run in to it and they are safe. Those who trust in God and obey His Word are the beneficiaries of His unmatched protection. “They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles, run and grow weary, walk and not faint” (Isa. 40:31). Renewed strength, power to rise above all circumstances, and perseverance to fulfill one’s purpose; these are the benefits to those who find safety in the Lord. No matter the ranging storms of life, nor the swelling seas that threatens you, the name of the Lord is your place of safety. He is your sure and steady foundation. He is that place of guaranteed safety and security from which your sufficiency is supplied. Grow in a committed relationship with Him and you shall ask whatever you need according to His will and He promised to do it for you. The abiding presence of God in your life is what makes the difference. “If you abide in Me and My words abide in you; you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you” (Jhn 15:7; NKJV). Run to the Lord and you will find safety, security and sustenance for your life. Remember, God promised to be with you always, never to leave you, nor to forsake you. Vengeance is mine says the Lord and I will repay. So when people or situations threaten you, release it all to the Lord and He will fight your battles. Continue waiting! Continue trusting! God sees your pains and frustrations and He has a plan and a way of escape for you. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. Beloved, run to the Lord and find safety. THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

Points for Contemplation:

1. What is your greatest frustration today? Do you feel threatened?
2. Take a moment to think of the things that are causing your frustrations. Write them down and search the scriptures for a promise that counters these threats and frustrations. Next, construct a prayer, using these promises from the word and then, confidently offer these petitions to the Lord.
3. The effectiveness of your prayer is based on your relationship with God. Do you know Him personally?
4. Read the theme scripture again. How do you understand this promise?
5. Pray for God to give you a revelation of this promise as it pertains to your present season. Don’t be in a haste to move from this scripture. Hold on to it until the Lord releases you from it. How will you know that it is time to move? You will sense God’s peace in the revelation that He gives.


Eternal Father, You are the Source of my strength and You are the Strength of my life. I submit all of my frustrations and fears to You this day. I accept Your will for my life in my current season. Help me to stand firm upon the promises of Your word. Sometimes, in the midst of uncertainty, I tend to waver. But Lord, help my unbelief and give me steady faith to trust in you, especially when things do not make sense to me. I will trust in You O Lord to work things out in my favor and according to Your will for my life. Thank you for the promises that you have given to me this day. “Your name O Lord, is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.” Help me to develop confidence in this truth and lead me to the place of safety, for it is in You O Lord that I live and move and have my being. I pray in the name of Jesus my Lord and my Strength. Amen.

